DUMB DUMMY OF THE WEEK - Everybody Can't Drink On The Job!

I know lots of people are drinking on the job these days. Maybe don't do it during THIS job.

There's a 19-year-old guy named Sonny Gutierrez Junior, and on Friday, he went into a Bank of America branch in Riverside, California to ROB the place. He passed the teller a note that said he had a gun and demanded money.

The teller told him to wait in the lobby while they got the cash together.

And according to the police report, while Sonny waited, he cracked open a, quote, "adult beverage."

The employees called 911 while Sonny was drinking, and the cops came and arrested him. He was charged with armed robbery. Hey, at least he avoided an underage drinking charge.

There's no word on what he was drinking. 


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