So Now You Think You're A Professional Chef

We've spent half a year cooking slightly more than usual, and we already think we've mastered it . . .

53% of Americans think they have at least one dish they make that would WOW an actual chef. And 46% believe they now have the skills to go BE a professional chef if they wanted to.

Three out of four said they mostly just make the same things over and over again though. And we only have four go-to meals that we really feel confident about.

Here are the top reasons we don't branch out and try new recipes . . .

1. We don't have all the ingredients on hand.

2. It just takes too much time and effort.

3. We've tried new recipes before and screwed them up.

4. We'd rather improvise and make up our own recipes.

The poll also found breakfast is the #1 meal we have creativity issues with. 

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