Dumb Dummy Of The Week "Faking The Fax!"

So there a church that I visit sometime where the Pastor uses a phrase “Love Is What Love Does”… And it always reminds me to make sure I show love to the people closest to me.

But this story also reminds me know there’s a very fine line between the phrase “Love Is What Love Does” and “Stupid Is What Stupid Does”… If you‘ve ever watched “Forest Gump,” he reminds us of this several time in that movie

And with all that being said, I don’t know if 28 year old Stephanie House of Tupelo, MS was showing love for her man, or just showing us how stupid she could be…

The other day a county jail in Tupelo got a FAX that said one of its inmates was up for release… Some of you might be thinking… That’s crazy that a jail is still using technology that old… But that’s how they normally do it, so the fax itself wasn't weird.

At first they were kinda thrown off, because number the fax came from had been "spoofed," so it sorta LOOKED like it came from the court…

But they did notice a few "irregularities" in the request. So they called the courthouse it came from to make sure it was legit.

Well, the people at the courthouse didn't know what they were talking about, because they didn't send it. So the cops did some digging, and realized who actually sent the fax.

Stephanie House… Who just happens to be the inmate's GIRLFRIEND.

Stephanie was arrested and confessed to sending the fake fax to get her boyfriend out of jail… So now she's facing fraud charges, and oh yeah, they also found drug paraphernalia. So they tacked that charge on too.

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