Here’s what people are saying:
- Do we all agree that Kanan is really Tariq's daddy or is am I alone in this?
- I don’t think I’ve ever been mad at any fictional character as much as I’m mad at Tariq’s dumb ass
- New season same sentiment, Tariq gotta die they can make it with just the 3rd baby
- Summer Sundays just got a whollllle lot better.
- Out of all the people I want killed on this show I hope the black bald head lawyer [guy] get smoked first this season...
- Angela so damn crooked, how does she still have a job!?
- That new NYPD detective is about to light Angela Valdez’s ass on fire. She found the business card on Ray Ray’s table
- Dre really think he doing something. He got lucky this time but ghost is gonna SMOKE HIM!!! And I can’t wait!!