Since it is Teacher ApprecittionSince it's Teachers Appreciation Week... I thought this story was DOPE!
A high school teacher in Massachusetts has been keeping a running list of slang terms he hears kids use. And now it's going viral after one of his students posted portions of it online.
1. "Bops" . . . new songs you enjoy listening to. And OLD songs you like are "jams."
2. "Clap back" . . . to respond to an insult with an equal or greater insult.
3. "Crackie" . . . someone who uses a Juul or smokes cigarettes.
4. "Hop off" . . . another way of saying "mind your own business."
5. "No cap" . . . "capping" means lying. So "no cap" means "no lie" or "for real."
6. "Put someone on" . . . the act of getting someone to embrace a new trend.
7. "Rashing" . . . to make fun of someone.
8. "Smacks" . . . a tasty treat.
9. "Snack" . . . a person who looks good or attractive.
10. "Take the L" . . . as in "take the loss." Like if you failed a test or got dumped, someone might say, "take the L" and move on.
Check out the full list HERE