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#TrendingTopics - 6ix9ine Halloween Costume - Are Drake Lyrics Are Made Up?
TEKASHI 6IX9INE: "Snitch" Costumes Big This Halloween
So there is a fake Tekashi 6ix9ine Halloween costume that’s gone viral.
The picture floating around shows a photo shopped Amazon product listing for a “Lil Tattletale” baby costume... The listing says the costume is sold by “FBI Toys” for 69 dollars and 69 cents... Again the costume isn’t actually for sale... At least not yet.
DRAKE: Responds to Father's Claims
Drake’s father, Dennis Graham was recently on an LA radio show and cleared up a few things about his past relationship with Drake.
Graham, said that his son made up claims that he was an absentee father just to sell lyrics... Which I think made Drake feel some type of way.
Drizzy addressed the rumors on IG, by saying “Woke up today so hurt man. My father will say anything to anyone that’s willing to listen to him. It’s sad when family gets like this but what can we really do that’s the people we are stuck with… every bar I ever spit was the truth and the truth is hard for some people to accept.”
JT Of The City Girls Is Free
Ya girl JT from City Girls is finally free!
She was officially released from prison yesterday and as promised, City Girls dropped the track "JT Free" last night!
You can find it on all the streaming services.
Miami shared the news of JT's release on Instagram with the caption, "YOU BITCHES IN TROUBLE! MY BITCH HOME!"