We've heard of LOTS of different ways people have tried to hide from the cops. This is a new one.
Last Wednesday, the cops in Stacy, Minnesota got a call from a mobile home park about a 26-year-old woman named Jessie Knickerbocker who was banned from the property. Her parents live there, so the cops went to their home to look for her.
They asked where Jessie was, and her dad said she was safe. And he meant it literally . . . because Jessie was hiding inside of a GUN SAFE.
It was about five feet tall, 28 inches wide, and 20 inches deep. And Jessie was running out of air inside . . . and her dad couldn't get it open. It took the cops about 10 minutes to finally pry it open, and they found Jessie inside, crouching and sweating.
She was arrested for trespassing.