Close to a third of us have had to learn at least one new tech skill during the lockdown . . . mostly so we can video chat. If you're a young person, get ready to laugh at how CLUELESS the rest of us are. Here are the top 10 tech issues we've had to figure out . . .
1. What Zoom is, and how to use it.
2. How to set up a group video chat.
3. How to share a link for a virtual meeting.
4. How to set up a group chat on WhatsApp.
5. How to turn your camera off and on during a video call.
6. How to add people to a group call.
7. How to join a group chat on your phone.
8. How to send a text to more than one person.
9. How to make a phone call on a computer.
10. How to mute your speaker on a video call.