Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer. But do you know what it's REALLY about? Because half of us don't . . .
A new survey found 57% of Americans don't know that Memorial Day is when we honor FALLEN members of the Armed Forces who died in service.
A third said they weren't sure what the difference is between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. And over a quarter thought Memorial Day was about honoring ALL veterans . . . which is what Veterans Day is about.
That said, 83% of us think it's important to do something to commemorate the holiday. And we've got plans this year, even though 8 out of 10 people say they'll have to do things a little differently because of the lockdown.
The top ways we'll commemorate Memorial Day are by flying a flag . . . leaving a flag or flowers at a soldier's grave . . . attending a patriotic event . . . flying a flag at half-mast . . . and visiting a monument or war memorial.