Big Daddy

Big Daddy

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Are You Taking Extreme Measures to Avoid Germs?

Have you ever found yourself sitting outside of your house, wearing a surgical mask, detailing a box of Frosted Flakes with a Clorox wipe, and wondered, "How did I get here?"

According to a new survey, 75% of us are taking more EXTREME measures to avoid germs than we did, you know, before there was a global pandemic. Here are the 10 most common germ safety things we're doing now that we didn't always do before . . .

1. Washing our hands for at least 20 seconds.

2. Not making any contact with delivery people.

3. Avoiding touching our faces.

4. Going grocery shopping alone.

5. Crossing the street if we see other people walking towards us.

6. Wiping door handles.

7. Walking in the middle of the road to avoid people.

8. Wiping down shopping carts.

9. Wiping down every surface in the house.

10. Cleaning our phones with antibacterial wipes.

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