We're less than a third of the way through fall. But have we already hit PEAK fall? A new survey asked people when the best part of fall is. And the top answer was the first two weeks of October.
The survey also found the perfect fall temperature is exactly 53 degrees. And here are the top ten little things we love about this time of year . . .
1. Seeing the leaves change color.
2. When there's a chill in the air.
3. Hot chocolate.
4. Getting ready for the holidays.
5. Soup.
6. Starting to cook holiday foods.
7. Watching scary movies for Halloween.
8. Wearing big sweaters.
9. The sound of rain.
10. Lighting candles.
A few more that just missed the top ten include baking pies . . . all the pumpkin-spice stuff . . . carving jack-o'-lanterns . . . and wearing flannel.