If you're feeling sluggish, it might be something you ate! Now I'm no dietican but I did some research and found some foods that can zap your energy. Here are four things that can make you tired . . .
1. Coffee and energy drinks. Too much caffeine can lead to a crash about five hours later. So if you load up on coffee in the morning, you might feel wiped out later in the day. And too much of it late in the day can also mess with your sleep.
2. Candy. Same thing, but with sugar. You get a boost of energy for a while, but then you crash.
3. Low-calorie frozen meals. Some of them have 300 calories or less, which isn't really enough to fuel up. But they tend to be filled with salt, which causes bloating and gives you an overall feeling of fatigue.
So what are some foods that GIVE you energy? The next time you're feeling tired, bananas, pistachios, black beans, and eggs are all a good choice. And just drinking more water can help too.