SOULJA BOY: Playing Games With Atari
So Soulja Boy is saying that he just bought Atari… Only problem with that is, the folks at Atari don't see things quite his way.
Big Draco also said he'd be selling his own Soulja Boy Gaming for $140 million, although he didn't seem completely sure about that figure.
It didn't take long for Atari's official Twitter account to respond by saying, "We know that CEO of Atari is a dream job, but that honor belongs to Wade Rosen."
Now if you can remember, back in 2018, Nintendo sent lawyers after him for selling knock-off game consoles that were pre-loaded with hundreds of unlicensed ROMs
Nicki Minaj’s Husband Wants His Name Removed from The Sex Offender Registry
Kenneth Petty, Nicki Minaj’s Husband is saying that having his name on the Sex Offender’s list in New York is causing him problems and he wants it removed.
As probably know, he was convicted and served time for attempted rape in 1995. As part of his plea, Kenneth must register as sex offender.
Destiny’s Child Changes Twitter & Facebook Headers, Fans Believe a Reunion Is On The Way
Destiny’s Child had fans on fire after changing their cover photo on Twitter and Facebook on Wednesday