Ya’ll ever play the game; last one to the car is rotten egg? How bout last one to the car is getting’ left?
Anyway, I’m guessing that’s the game these three shoplifters in Illinois were playing
These ladies stole a bunch of clothes from a Hibbett’s Sports by doing what you’d call a “Grab & Go”
Most thieves out there know exactly what this is… It’s where you grab as much stuff as you can, and run!
And that’s what these ladies did! They grabbed as many clothes as they could carry and ran to their car in the parking lot.
And since they were playing “last one to the car gets left!” The last young lady that made it to the car… GOT LEFT!
So what did she do? She dropped the sweat suits and started running after the car, but a cop chased her down on foot before she could make it out of the parking lot.
And thanks to social media some guy caught it all on Tik-Tok
The young lady is facing charges for felony theft, and she also had an active warrant for a previous theft charge. Last I heard, the cops were still looking for her two friends.